Hawthorne and West Quinn Intersection Completed

August 16, 2024

Drivers can now use all lanes at the intersection of Hathorne Road and West Quinn Road as the traffic signal is fully functional. Crews have been monitoring the traffic signal lights at the intersection for a period of time as required per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The testing phase is complete but crews will continue to monitor the intersection lights and make any needed adjustments over the next few weeks.

The intersection is now upgraded with not only a state-of-the-art traffic signal, but also ADA-accessible sidewalks and walk signals. The project improves mobility for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. The intersection was widened and bicycle lanes were added.

Prior to construction, the Bannock Transportation Planning Organization Policy Board determined that traffic at this intersection had exceeded its design capacity and that further improvements were necessary. The intersection facilitated over 10,000 daily trips before construction and this number is projected to increase with the new traffic signal. Previously, the intersection was controlled by a four-way stop. At peak hours, traffic backed up significantly in all directions.

The total estimated cost of the project was $4,090,591. The City of Pocatello paid a 7.34% match and the City of Chubbuck reimbursed the City of Pocatello 25% of that match.

“I am so excited to have this intersection open for drivers in our community,” said Mayor Brian Blad. “This is one of the busiest intersections and this light will make a big difference.”

The intersection has been open since the end of Phase One. Utility work has continued with gas lines, irrigation lines, power lines, and fiber lines all being impacted by the updates to the intersection. This project has been a cooperative effort between the City, State, and private contractors.